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Santiago Price
Santiago Price

Mindset Being Organized

Being organized is not something that people inherit: it is more to do with how well you organize your daily routine and tasks to make sure that everything falls into place. All the successful people that you see around you did not achieve success overnight. Nor was success simply handed to them. They worked for the success, and the first step towards success is good organization.

Mindset Being Organized

Anyone can be organized and successful. All that is required is the mindset to do things in a proper manner. Here are the 10 mindsets of organized people that lead them towards the epitome of success:

We all know how tedious life can be, and sometimes we feel like we are in a rut! However, organized people do something about that and make sure that the rut that they are faced with is cleared. And they do this with helpful tools that are all around us only if we stop for a second and pay attention. Your tablet, smartphone, and smartwatch are all useful technological tools that you can use to plan, organize, and therefore make your lives a whole lot easier and productive.

We all know how our minds are occupied with so many things on a daily basis. However, most of the things that we think about are completely irrelevant, yet we seem to be so consumed by them. This is not the case with organized people. They will make sure to practice mindfulness and remove the clutter from their minds on a daily basis. After this, they will focus on everything that is relevant to them.

Organized people are not perfectionists and neither will they make their lives and work complicated. They prefer doing things in the simplest way possible, as long as they get the job done. Therefore, do not assume organized people to be control freaks. In fact, they love going with the flow, and if they know that circumstances will not let them change certain things, then they simply let them be instead of having a panic attack.

Life will never be perfect and it will entail many ups and downs. However, the important thing to know is that despite those ups and downs, you can take steps to make sure that every aspect of your life is well maintained and in balance. This is exactly what organized people do. They will give attention to the things that require their utmost attention and fix problems as they come up.

This point is similar to point 4. You will rarely see an organized person crying about something that they cannot control nor do anything about. Instead, they will just go with the flow and let go of things that they are not able to change instead of worrying about them constantly.

Another advantage of targeting weak spots is that it makes getting organized feel less overwhelming. Working on a few specific things is more practical and more achievable than trying to reinvent yourself overnight..

Each organization is unique. Accordingly, each needs its unique culture to power the new agile operating model. Organizations building an agile culture should base their approach on aspirational goals. They also need to understand their current culture, including the behavioral pain points that can be used as a starting point to articulate three to five specific mindset and behavior shifts that would make the biggest difference in delivering business results.

This lesson is about making the change personally meaningful to employees. To take change from the organizational to the personal frontier, leaders need to give their people the space and support to define what the agile mindset means to them. This will differ among senior leaders, middle managers, and frontline staff, and have different implications for each. Inviting colleagues to share personal experiences and struggles can build transformational momentum and unlock transformational energy.

This was an approach adopted by Roche, a 122-year-old biotechnology company with 94,000 employees in more than 100 countries. In order to build an agile culture, Roche facilitated a deep, personal change process among senior leaders. More than 1,000 of these leaders were invited to learn a new, more agile approach to leadership through a four-day immersive program that introduced them to the mindsets and capabilities needed to lead an agile organization. The program, called Kinesis, focused on enabling leaders to shift from a limiting, reactive mindset to an enabling, creative one. It also started the journey of learning how to shift from a traditional organization designed for command, control, and value capture to an agile organization designed for innovation, collaboration, and value creation.

Throughout the program, leaders came to recognize the ways in which their individual mindsets, thoughts, and feelings manifested in the design architecture and culture of the organizations they led. This recognition highlights why change programs that start with personal transformation are more successful. Organizations are built andled by their leaders: the way they think, make decisions, and show up shapes every part of the organization. This dynamic is amplified in agile organizations, which have an unusually high degree of openness and transparency.

To ensure formal mechanisms supported this agile mindset shift, Magyar Telekom used structural changes on an individual and organizational level, aligning the people, customer, and business processes as well as the physical and digital working environments to an agile culture.

Lisa Woodruff is a productivity specialist, home organization expert, and founder and CEO of Organize 365. Lisa provides physical and motivational resources teaching busy women to take back control of their lives with functional systems that work. She's the host of the top-rated Organize 365 Podcast, which was featured as the Woman's Day podcast of the month, where she shares strategies for reducing overwhelm, clearing mental clutter and living a productive and organized life. Lisa has authored several Amazon bestselling books and is a sought-after trainer and speaker, often quoted as saying "Done is better than perfect" and "Progress over perfection." Her sensible and doable organizing tasks appeal to multiple generations and her candor and relatable style make you feel as though she is right there beside you, helping you get organized as you laugh and cry together.

The real skills you need to develop in order to be more productive are the principles, habits and mindset you apply to your work. Tools are just a way of applying these principles.

When it comes to getting organized, changing your thoughts is critical. No matter how good your systems are, your organizing will eventually fall apart if you're still holding on to negative thoughts.

For illustration, if you're struggling to get organized, don't tell yourself, "I'm so lazy, and I'll never be able to do this." Instead, tell yourself, "I will take small steps to get organized, and I'll be able to do it."

Home is where it all happens. From doing the dishes to dinner parties, keeping up a clean and tidy household is a never ending unpaid job. However, by being diligent and using some outsourcing hacks, running a household can be a little easier.

Take the stress out of travel with planning. Heading to an airport with a backpack and buying a ticket for whatever flight is leaving next is perfect for rom-com characters. For the rest of us, careful planning helps us avoid expired passports and forgotten contact solution. It also helps with showing up to a new destination and knowing the right spots instead of being sucked into tourist traps.

Being organized is a transferable skill that can be used in most settings. For students, being organized is particularly important since it helps them learn how to prioritize activities, set and achieve goals and reduce stress. Having good organizational skills also makes it easier to collaborate with others and helps increase productivity and efficiency.

Similarly, Content Library lets students store all of their electronic documents in one location, and teachers can create individual libraries to store lessons plans and all supporting materials. An easy way to understand the Content Library is to think of an old-style metal file cabinet. Instead of placing manila folders in the file cabinet and putting hard copies of lessons in the cabinet, teachers simply upload their materials into the system. Teachers can set permissions on documents so that students, parents and colleagues can access specific documents. This creates an incredibly organized online system that can be used year after year so that teachers only need to update new materials instead of recreating the same materials over and over.

Content Library lets teachers easily create, share and store lesson plans and supporting materials that can be used and updated each year. Parents and students can access the materials when they are doing homework (read-only and permissions are included) and parents can see the entire lesson to get a better idea of how to help their child stay organized, focused and on time.

I was mentally and emotionally exhausted from trying to keep the schedules of three other people, as well as my own to-do lists, events, goals and priorities straight in my head. Eventually, I realised I was becoming a disorganized person.

There are many reasons for disorganization including perfectionism, lack of skills, our beliefs and indecision, as well as mental health and brain-related conditions. When we understand the reason, it can help increase our ability to become more organized (and stay that way!).

When we are organized and our home and brain is free from clutter, we feel more calm and are able to focus and be more productive. We are also able to connect to those around us and be more spontaneous and fun without feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed.

Your beliefs about material objects in your life make it difficult and seemingly impossible for you to let go of things, people, ideas and emotions from the past. Having a cluttered home (or brain!) makes it difficult for you to feel organized and impedes your ability to focus and be productive. According to NBC News, evidence suggests that when multiple visual stimuli are competing for your attention, you have a harder time focusing. 041b061a72

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